- Variety Info
- Sowing Info
- Growing Info
Variety Info
Days to Maturity: Varies
Family: Cactaceae
Type: Succulent
Native: North America
Hardiness: Perennial (tender), grown as a houseplant
Exposure: Full sun
Plant Dimensions: 6"–12" tall
Attributes: Houseplant, Good for Containers

Sowing Info
When to Sow Outside: Not recommended.
When to Start Inside: RECOMMENDED: Any time of year.
Days to Emerge: 5 – 90 days
Seed Depth: Scatter 10 seeds in a 4" pot and press seeds into soil surface
Seed Spacing: 1/8"–1/4"
Thinning: Not recommended
Your hardiness zone is
Growing Info
Special Care: Ensure excellent drainage and growing conditions to prevent disease while growing indoors. Be sure to use a pot with a drainage hole to avoid overwatering. After the first winter, slowly harden the plants by providing a longer drying period and increasingly brighter light. By year two, you should have strong starts that would be ready to transplant outdoors, if desired.