- Variety Info
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Variety Info
Family: Lamiaceae
Native: Asia and Ukraine
Hardiness: Annual
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Period: Summer to frost
Plant Dimensions: 24"–36" tall
Variety Info: Showy part of flower is large (2") bell-like, apple-green calyx that contains tiny white flowers.
Attributes: Cut Flower

Sowing Info
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMEDED. 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date for chilling period. Seeds will germinate when soil temperature is above 50°F.
When to Start Inside: 6 to 8 weeks before your average last frost date. Sow in 3" biodegradable pots; roots sensitive to disturbance.
Days to Emerge: 15–35 days
Seed Depth: Press into surface
Seed Spacing: A group of 3 seeds every 12"
Thinning: When 2" tall, thin to 1 plant every 12"
Your hardiness zone is
Growing Info
Harvesting: For longest vase life, harvest when half of the bells have opened. Be mindful of thorns when harvesting.